Health system capacities are being stretched in unprecedented ways. The needs of patients are rising; the need for changes in health systems are becoming more pressing; and the demand for more health professionals and specialised health professionals is increasing. Those factors are creating more pressures on the existing health workforce and placing their needs and those of the future health workforce higher on the policy agenda. Some of the questions that are being raised are: does the health workforce have the appropriate tools to face the challenges of their health system? What do they need to continue to support the health system? And how do we ensure new health management graduates have the right skills for the future?

The availability of a qualified health and care workforce is key for effective health system performance. To deliver safe healthcare, health and care professionals must be adequately supported, protected, and equipped. This includes, for example, not only the availability of adapted Personal Protective Equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, but also psychological safety and resilience training.

On Wednesday, 15 September 2021 at 17.00, EHMA 2021 will host an Abstract session on health workforce.

Firstly, Ms Róisín O’Donovan, University College Dublin, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Education and Innovation in Health Systems and School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems, will present the abstract “Examining psychological safety in healthcare teams to inform the development of interventions: combining observational, survey and interview data” aimed at developing an in-depth understanding of psychological safety within healthcare teams and building on this understanding to inform the development of future interventions to improve it.

Dr Maria Picco, Polytechnic of Milan, School of Management, with the abstract “Evolution of tasks and responsibilities at home care level: a focus on nursing role” will focus on the growing demand for home care, reporting the evolution of tasks and responsibilities of nursing.

Prof Marco Giovanni Rizzo, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Italy, will present the abstract “Exploring the mediating role of use of performance feedback in the feedback orientation-performance relationship in healthcare”.

To follow, Dr Nour Alrabie, University of Amsterdam and Queen’s University, United Kingdom will showcase her research “Ready for lunch? Bread and butter of care integration” that investigates food as practice in care integration.

Ms Cristina Mendes-Santos, Linköping University and NOVA National School of Public Health will present her research on “Mapping mental health professionals’ journey along the Digital Mental Health intervention process: a qualitative study” aimed at characterising in-depth the Digital Mental Health intervention process and exploring factors impacting its various stages.

Finally, Prof Dr Cordula Wagner, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel), The Netherlands, will showcase her research “How to survive and thrive through challenges and change: Employee resilience among Dutch hospital staff in 2020” in which she will explore the state of employee resilience among Dutch hospital staff.

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