Over the last year, health systems across Europe have encountered the most difficult times for a generation. Throughout the world, health services buckled under the strain of COVID-19, confronting enormous challenges around hospital capacity and workforce planning during a pandemic. As managers are pondering whether there will be a return to a ‘new normal’, important questions will be asked about how to increase the resilience and readiness of health systems whilst also providing high-quality routine care catching up on the backlog of many months of missed operations.
Health management will be at the centre of providing solutions for these unprecedented difficulties. Bringing practitioners, researchers and academics together to share solutions has never been more important than today.
Join us for the EHMA Annual Conference 2021 organised by EHMA in collaboration with the Associação Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares (APAH) and its academic partners, the Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública and the Universidade Nova: Nova School of Business and Economics. The conference brings together experts from across the world to discuss solutions to managing services in the post-COVID future. With a rich and diverse programme, the conference offers a unique opportunity to share experiences and find answers to some of the most difficult problems in leading and managing the health services of tomorrow.
The EHMA Annual Conference is widely considered the preeminent place to share experiences, skills and competencies in the field of health management. With a strong focus on innovative practices in governing, planning and delivering services, our Annual Conference will be the perfect location to get in touch with your European and international colleagues discussing the latest developments in governance and leadership, digital transformation, integrated care, and creating sustainable person-centred services. We look forward to (virtually) seeing you at Lisbon!
Axel Kaehne
President, and on behalf of the Board of EHMA
What can you expect?
- Be part of the preeminent Conference on health management, contribute to improving healthcare delivery and achieving excellence in health management.
- An engaging digital conference that combines scientific presentations, keynotes, workshops and interactive discussions.
- Networking opportunities with a variety of stakeholders to identify, discuss and address current and future needs of health management in Europe and worldwide.
- 400+ representatives of the healthcare ecosystem including academia, research, health managers, healthcare professionals, decision- and policy-makers.
- The opportunity to showcase your work and research, highlighting best practices and sharing innovative ideas on health management with leading experts in the field.
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