In the past year, there has been a substantial increase in demand for digital health services and technologies, and they have been deployed in unprecedented ways to manage the pandemic and support the provision of other essential care services. As an example, the use of telemedicine helped to ensure continuity of care and facilitated the management of chronic conditions. Digital health has the potential to make health systems more responsive, resilient, and sustainable. Digital transformation in healthcare is thus key to achieve high-quality patient care.
However there remain concerns, questions, and challenges around technological change and implementation of digital health at local, national, and European levels.
What are the international lessons learned, commonalities and differences amongst countries of the world? How can those learnings and experiences be transferred across borders? How does organisational governance and leadership affect the assessment, implementation, and management of digital technologies such as design-thinking approach or lean-agile management? What is the return on investment in health technology?
We will try to answer these questions at EHMA 2021 during the abstract session on managing the digital transformation on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 at 13.30.
The session will start with Mr Jon Txarramendieta, Kronikgune Institute for Health Services Research who will present his abstract “Implementation and transfer of successful digitally enabled integrated person-centered care solutions across Europe – The JADECARE Joint Action”. This work presents the Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred Care as a tool to reinforce the capacity of health authorities to successfully address the transition to digitally-enabled integrated-person-centred care.
Dr Daniele Bellavia, Centre for Health Economics, Social and Health Care Management, LIUC University will then present “SIDERA^b, a new telerehabilitation approach: economic and organisational impacts” an integrated multi-domain and multi-device system for telerehabilitation designed for Parkinson Disease, Chronic Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
In addition, Dr Lucrezia Ferrario, Centre for Health Economics, Social and Health Care Management, LIUC University will showcase her research on “Acceptability of digital technologies: the intention to adopt T-CUBE solution in COVID-19 pandemic” aimed at investigating the acceptability for healthcare professionals to use T-CUBE, an innovative telemedicine platform designed as a telemonitoring care program integrated with telerehabilitation and tele-supporting activities.
Ms Petra Kokko, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, will follow with the abstract “Effectiveness of indicators for national control (KUVA indicators) as a decision-making tool” to discuss the effectiveness of National Health Interview Survey (NHIs) and their mechanisms, i.e., whether and how NHIs work as an assessment and steering tool and support the integration of the multiple perspectives, interests and information needs of healthcare managers.
Dr Clarissa Seixas, Ecole de Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP) and State University of Rio de Janeiro, will present her work about “Socio-organisational evaluation of a tele-expertise experiment for skin cancer detection: the perspective of General Practitioners” aimed at understanding the advantages and drawbacks of tele-expertise in the detection of skin tumors perceived by general practitioners.
Finally, Dr Ivo Dumic-Cule, Childrens Hospital Srebrnjak, will showcase his research “A national survey on the knowledge and perception of artificial intelligence in radiology” aimed at revealing basic knowledge about AI and perception of AI in the aspect of trust and independence among citizens at national level in Croatia.
Join EHMA 2021, the preeminent European conference on health management, meet with experts from Europe and beyond, and be part of shaping the future of health management.